The Legend of Bigfoot
Bigfoot is viewed as a supernatural or spiritual being that conveys important messages.
Exposing Historical Atrocities
The Legend of Bigfoot
Broken Promises, Stolen Sovereignty: The Atrocity of Native American Right
Lost Voices: The Tragedy of MMIW
The Lingering Impact: Forced Sterilization by the Indian Health Service
The Treaty of Fort Laramie: A Promise Broken
Defiance at Dakota: The Standing Rock Tragedy
The Wounded Knee Massacre: A Tragic Chapter in Native American History
Echoes of Tragedy: The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Killings
Lost Waters, Broken Promises: The Oahe Dam Atrocity
Broken Promises: The Dawes Act and the Fragmentation of Native Lands
Shadows of the Past: The Legacy of Native American Boarding School
Vanishing Herds: The Extermination of the Buffalo
Blood on the Plains: The Sand Creek Massacre